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law giving n. 立法,制定法典。2.adj. 立法的。

law lord

Particular way is : it is plan tax basis with commodity sale , the tax rate consideration that provides according to tax law gives commodity to answer the appreciation the amount of tax to be paid of the burden , deduct next goods and materials is bought outside be being used to produce commodity place cost ( wait like raw material , fuel , running stores ) before pull current understands link already the value added tax of pay , the remaining sum after deducting is an enterprise to answer ratal 具體做法是:以商品銷售額為計稅依據,按照稅法規定的稅率計算出商品應負擔的增值稅額,然后扣除為生產商品所耗用外購物資(如原材料、燃料、低值易耗品等)在以前生產流通環節已繳納的增值稅,扣除后的余額為企業應納稅額。

While the force comes from regime is powerful enough , the law can be enforced , but this is just temporary , when the force fade away , the law then can not be enforced . how can we explore the applicability of law ? how can we find an appropriate way for law evolvement the characteristic of tradition law give us one opportunity 一般意義上的法律制度,是國家強制力保證實施的行為規范,在國家強制力的要求之下,似乎制定出的任何一種規則都可以得到實施,但事實并非如此,一項法律制度能否在一個社會中得到遵守與實施,往往與這個社會的民族傳統、文化背景、價值觀念等有著很大的關系。

Combining the research contents of each kind of key element , the paper points out that each element has different normalizing and controlling way for different information activity and behavior , therefore , the exercising way and function result are not all the same : information ethics is to produce the value orientation function of morals , information has policy guidance and adjust and control function , information law gives play to the important core to control function 結合各因素的研究內容,指出各因素對各類信息活動和信息行為的規范、約束、調控方式不同,實施的方式和作用效果都不盡相同:信息倫理的作用表現在道德約束、信息政策具有政策調控作用、信息法律發揮重要的核心控制作用。各因素在信息管理法制化中所發揮的作用各有所長也各有所短,針對同一信息活動和信息行為,不同的因素從不同的側面發揮各自的優勢,有的放矢地共同承擔支撐信息管理法制化的重任。

The usa format corporation law gives inspirations for the practice of performing formalities of property registration during the developers “ stepping out , with its provisions that real estate developers continue to exist as corporations after their dissolution , a relatively long protection period is set for creditors when they claim their rights against the developers , and “ leaving deposit at the state financial chief ' s place “ 美國示范公司法關于美國房地產開發企業成為解散的公司后仍繼續其公司的存在,權利人向被解散的公司主張權利時,規定了較長的保護期及美國示范公司法關于“在州財務長官處的存放”的法律規定,為解決我國房地產開發企業退出市場時,房屋權屬登記手續的辦理提供了借鑒意見。

Writer ' s view of point is that delivery of cargo without original bills of lading has the character of breaching of the contract , because releasing cargo against original bills of lading is carrier ' s legal liability in carrying out the carriage of goods by sea . also it has the character of action in tort , as if the actions violate the civil law of liability in tort , the doer shall take on the liability of compensation . however when actions are both of breach and in tort , the chinese law gives the victim the rights to choose to sue in tort or of breach , but some limitations in applying substantive law 第二章論述無單放貨的法律性質,筆者認為,無單放貨具有違約性,因為保證憑正本提單交付貨物是承運人在履行海上貨物運輸合同中的一項法定義務;無單放貨具有侵權性,只要無單放貨行為構成承擔侵權行為民事責任的要件,無單放貨行為人就必須承擔賠償責任;同時,無單放貨的違約性和侵權性可能構成責任競合時,我國法律允許受害人可以選擇一個訴因行使其請求權,但對實體法請求權的選擇,法律作出了一定范圍的限制;最后,無單放貨在某種程度上促進了航運業的發展,我們不能一概加以否定,無單放貨在特定情況下具有一定的合理性。

Validation of the observing velocity data in different channels indicates that the velocity distribution law given by authors is in accordance with the real velocity - distribution perfectly in open channel ; and the relative error between observing value and calculating value of point velocity is small , which can satisfy the precision requirement in the calculation of velocity distribution and discharge in open channel 采用不同管道流速資料進行驗證,表明所提出的明渠流速分布律與實際分布一致,對應測點流速相對誤差較小,可以滿足明渠流速分布及流量計算精度要求。

Go bankrupt there is a regulation in the law , army ex - serviceman is found a place for after some enterprise , with respect to the other worker with this enterprise same , business failure , ought to according to go bankrupt the regulation of the law gives find a place for 破產法中沒有規定,部隊復員軍人被安置到某企業后,就與該企業的其他職工一樣,企業破產了,應當按照破產法的規定予以安置。

It nevertheless still provides only minimal standards for working conditions and health and safety precautions . the occupational safety and health law gives workers the right to remove themselves from dangerous work situations without jeopardy to continued employment 今日的領導指的是清楚地計算我們的利益,但不是狹隘的指出于現實政策與裁減預算的考慮,致使我們失掉創造長期穩定的機會。

How should laws give remedies to the aggrieved party in case of nonperformance of one party ( renunciation and impossibility of performance ) in medium - term of their contract , which is from effective date to the deadline for performance of the contract 合同從有效成立至合同履行期限屆至前(合同中期)出現一方不履行(拒絕履行和履行不能)的情況時,法律應如何對受害方予以救濟

Current law gives the patent holder an advantage because it presumes that a patent is valid and places the onus on the plaintiff to present “ clear and convincing ” evidence that an error has been made by the examiners 現在的法律對專利權人有利,因為法律假設專利有效,因此原告必須負擔舉證責任,提出明確且有說服力的證據證明審查委員犯了錯。

The three important and macroscopic clues to study the history of chinese copyright law given by mr . zhou lin , a young scholar in copyright law , leads to my further study and consideration to the dissertation 一位年輕版權法學者曾經指出了研究中國版權法歷史的三條線索,正是這一宏觀性的認識提供了本文的基本寫作思路。

It consists of an indirect adaptive fuzzy controller , which is constructed by modeling the unknown part of system , and adaptive law given by using lyapunov synthesis approach 該方法利用模糊邏輯系統來逼近未知非線性部分。在把逼近誤差看作系統干擾的情況下,給出了模糊系統參數基于lyapunov穩定的基礎上的自適應律。

The last part has a brief forecast of current administrative law , especially administrative litigation law given the possible challenge brought by the litigable principle and wto membership 隨著中國加入wto ,被譽為“國際貿易行政法典”的wto規則對于中國行政法、尤其是對行政訴訟制度的挑戰將更為明顯和復雜。

The protection aims , prohibition on certain unfair competition , civil responsibility and ways of civil relief of this law give enlightenment on perfection of the china act against unfair competition 該法規定的保護目的、某些不正當競爭行為的禁止、民事責任和民事救濟途徑給完善我國反不正當競爭法以啟示。

Why the law give the obligee of the trade secret the exclusive right and monopolize right is because that “ where there is no legal monopoly , where there is no enough information “ 法律之所以要賦予商業秘密權利人獨占的權利和壟斷的權利,主要是因為“沒有合法的壟斷,就不會有足夠的信息產生” 。

Except for the categories of workers noted in section 6 . a . , the labor union law and the settlement of labor disputes law give workers the right to organize and bargain collectively 不論我們從寬或從嚴來界定外交政策利益,我們推動這些利益的外交能力卻隨著外事單位的財源缺乏而每下愈況。

In order to put the special function of trust into effect , the trust law gives the trustee much freedom of management making them posess almost totally autonomous management power 為了實現信托獨特的制度功能,信托法制授予受托人以極大的管理空間,使其享有幾乎完全自主的管理權力。

Post - commercialization phase : the u . s . pesticide law gives epa authority to amend or revoke existing registrations in the event “ unreasonable adverse effects “ have been observed 那不是我們所希望建立,也不是我們正在建造的世界。正如上一世紀美國規章和標準,

I will keep the law given by god ; sanctioned by man . i will hold to the principles received by me when i was sane , and not mad - as i am now 我會遵守上帝創造由人批準的法規,我會堅持我清醒時,而不是像現在這樣發瘋時服從的準則。